more people begin to stand up in the realization that real change is
a doing that comes not from the external world-system but from within through
a process of self change standing as the principle of equality in
relationship to all, we who are in the process of standing as the
principle of equality are making a difference, changing the world for
the betterment of all.
the Internet, we the people in networks of relationships are uniting
in words and deeds to take responsibility for ourselves and for all
of this world. One by one, each of us that stand united in the
principle of equality effectively turn-off a percentage of the flow
of power to the elite; thus deconstructing the hierarchical pyramid
of elitism one pillar at a time simply by standing as the directive
principle and taking our power back. This is the power that we the
people have historically sacrificed within the design of elitism,
allowing a few to harness and drain the power of our mind/physical
bodies as well by following the way of competition in fear of one
another, thus leaving us divided and powerless.
was deemed by many to be the elites' most advanced weapon of mass
enslavement is now turning out to be one of our most useful tools for
unveiling the secrets that have birthed the fear.
is entering into extreme times, and how we direct ourselves in mind
and body will determine and or define not only our futures but the course
of mankind. The choice as has always been is continue our race to the
end or to simply stop the competition, stand up and live the
principle of equality defined as it has been for thousands of years.
Give unto others as you would have them give unto you, and do unto
others as you would have them do unto you. Here are the keys to
ending all wars; here are the keys to equality.
the battle has just begun and the war with ourselves is far from
over, we who have stood and directed our words in common-sense
consideration of what is best for all have shown the world but a
glimpse of what we all-together are able to accomplish when we let go
of our self-defeating weapons of blame so to cooperate in directing
our will to the cause of equality, a world of stability wherein no
man, woman or child need fear anymore for their survival because they
were not born into the privileged bloodlines of the hierarchy of
looking at the world at large, it may seem as though World War III is
inevitable, but I say it is not. Nothing that was ever-written,
physically manifested until the words became deeds lived and done;
thus as we still breathe so too is there opportunity to change the
course of humanity, stop and reverse the cause of war, the race to
have more that has led to the experience of inequality. It's not
economy stupid; it's inequality.
War III need not be, but if there be a battle cry, let it be the
sound of unity, one wherein we who would fight instead unite standing
hand in hand to end all strife simply by living the principle of
equality to thus reverse a world in reverse.
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